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Monday, June 05, 2006

Philippine Idol Fast Track

I started my day not so good. Why?...coz, I woke up early in the morning, around 6am just to be left behind by our service van going to the Philippine Idol Fast Track in Marilao Bulacan. Well, that's alright coz I eventually enjoyed the day when we got to the auditions and ...well enjoyed some of the contestant's voices and some ???(I don't know the adjectives for them). After the very long auditions, we finally headed to Max's to fill our empty stomachs and then headed home. We laughed on the way back to the station to keep ourselves awake since everyone was dead tired. We even stopped for a while at a fastfood place to pee...hehehe. We even fooled around with large mc nuggets. jp zuniga took the picture of me taking a nugget. Well...goodluck to the winners of the Philippine idol fast track in marilao bulacan.


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