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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


KAMUSTASA!!! May 31st of 2006 still looking for things to do inside our office. Ah ha!!! I saw the twins who looked exactly alike. (you know, identical?) Am not even sure which one is bobby and which one is robert. Anyway, they're 2 good looking kids and always smiles at people. They're around 13 - 14 yrs old?(i think) 5ft ? tall, white skinned jolly twins. As you can see I look like Gandauf with the hobbits around me(including "sugar" wearing a pink sports shirt) from the "Lord of the Rings". Hehehe!!! Anyway, don't be surprised if you see them on television someday!!!

Long road to work

KAMUSTASA!!! Exercising is not my thing so what I do is I force myself to do a bit of leg work like walking all the way to the office. It's not really a survival of the fittest thing 'coz my house is just a few blocks away, but it's enough to make me sweat a bit. On the way to work, you notice a lot of things like the timing of stop lights, different kinds of vehicles, people and sometimes if you get lucky you can catch arguments of people living in the streets. That makes my walk worthwhile. (uplifting!!!) So, this happens almost every morning and I kinda enjoy it!!!


KAMUSTASA!!! It's 2pm here in the P.I. right now and I just got off my boardwork(you know, dj stuff) and just loitering around the building thinking of what to do so I finally decided to post this. Looking around the office, most of my collegues are just sitting down doing nothing. I guess everyone's as bored as I am. Usually at this time I go home and try to catch a nap or probably watch dvd at home or probably think of some ideas for television show which I could use in the future. Come to think of it, it might be because the monitor could be heard all the way here and i'm listening to my fellow jock sugar's songs which are really good for lullaby's. Hmm...what if I go to Cartimar(you know, a tiangge of bicycles, pets and shenzen made shoes) to check out some bikes as I am planning to buy one for my bayaw's use. That would keep me busy for sure. The walk to the place alone would be an adventure. Let me think first....

"The Magician"

Watch the video
Here's a short video clip of how i perform my magic. This video was taken last march of this year. Comments are welcome folks. Enjoy the video. Thanks.

Tito Potato with Piolo Pascual

KAMUSTASA!!! It was another fine and quiet morning at our station. You know just sitting on our conditional chair(you'll know why when you've tried sitting on it) just doin' my thing putting songs on our automated player called the 'ots'. Everything was just normal until i heard a real loud burst of people shouting just outside the booth which normally should not happen since the place is sound proof. Then, a familiar face entered the booth and uttered the words "Hello tito potato(my air name) kamusta?". "hahaha! so that's why!!!" I said. It was Piolo Pascual, creating a typhoon as he entered the MBC premises. Oh well, I interviewed him as he was promoting his album at that time while everyone was watching us including our accounting staff which rarely happens coz you know how much work load they have! This guy is definitely powerful. Powerful enough to be Peter Piper(you know, the guy who plays that wind instrument just to make rats follow) the only thing is not only does he draw the crowd but also makes them scream like our building was falling apart. Hahaha! Thanks for visiting the station Piolo!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


KAMUSTASA!!! (Dont worry guys it's just a spiced up pa-cute version of the Filipino word meaning "how are you?")
My name is FOO!!! It was a nickname given to me by myself to steer clear from a very saintly combination of a name(PETER PAUL). Well, enough about the nickname and let's talk about ME!!!
I'm a ?? year old tall, dark and reasonable kinda' guy who loves to learn everything that's happening in this world. I've always believed in the saying..."kung kaya nya, kaya ko rin"(with no malice though" . It's not like you want to compete with everybody, it's just like you want to try everything. I have already studied, tried and done quite a few like starting with martial arts which really is my first love. I have practiced kung fu (ysing and 5 animals) , ninjutsu, kenpo karate(which i spent almost whole of my martial arts life), taekwondo, AAK Karatedo(thanks to Sensei Ricky V.), Aikido(Eumorpho), Capoeira, Merry Patti Puti(is that the spelling?), Yaw Yan(acknowleging Master Nap), a bit of jujutsu, Arnis, Penchak Silat, Fencing, Wrestling, Judo(My Lolo just enrolled me there to keep me busy since it's just below our former office in Intramuros), Muay Thai(I remember seeing Robin Padilla as a beginner. Ultra guys!!!), Krav Maga(just researched on it, bought some few tapes), Boxing at elorde( I can't forget the pain!!!), etc. etc. Then there was hip hop dancing with Junji Marcelo(shang ri la with my brother), cooking(buendia culinary hehehe), a lot of workshops on different topics, Film making, television production, talent management, etc. etc. Being me is not really easy, (yabang!!!). Everytime you go to a party they expect you to do something different or whenever I speak they always wait for that unexpected punch line(you know like no one takes you seriously) hahaha! but I'm enjoying it though. Not really the attention but the fact that you can easily control their moods and sway it the way you want it. Ok so, I'm inviting everyone to join me in this adventure and check out the "average" Filipino way of living. Hehehe!!! This will not only be an adventure for you guys but for me as well!!!
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