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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


KAMUSTASA!!! It's 2pm here in the P.I. right now and I just got off my boardwork(you know, dj stuff) and just loitering around the building thinking of what to do so I finally decided to post this. Looking around the office, most of my collegues are just sitting down doing nothing. I guess everyone's as bored as I am. Usually at this time I go home and try to catch a nap or probably watch dvd at home or probably think of some ideas for television show which I could use in the future. Come to think of it, it might be because the monitor could be heard all the way here and i'm listening to my fellow jock sugar's songs which are really good for lullaby's. Hmm...what if I go to Cartimar(you know, a tiangge of bicycles, pets and shenzen made shoes) to check out some bikes as I am planning to buy one for my bayaw's use. That would keep me busy for sure. The walk to the place alone would be an adventure. Let me think first....


Blogger Bernie said...

hahaha...i'm sure bro you're really that bored, wala kase kami jan eh...i remember after boardwork we used to go to glorietta dun sa mga tindahan ng clothes...hehehe tapos magpapacute sa mga chicks!

2:35 PM  

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