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Monday, July 24, 2006


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Sunday, July 23, 2006


KAMUSTASA!!! Here's a clip from a recent mall show I hosted with BRUCE DILIS. It was with M2 at ever gotesco commonwealth. I set him up in the middle of the show. hahaha!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!! I've been soooooooo busy lately!!! To the people who have been checking out this blog sorry for the delay. Am working on a music video, an avp and of course busy at work!!! Anyway, i'll be posting some more videos probably tomorrow and am currently editing my podcast so please check it out tomorrow too. Alright...I read a blog post which was posted last year about our station YES FM 101.1, the author said that we air bad taste jokes which turned out to be a mistake. (The author apologized though) It was meant for another "masa" station. No damage was done. It was just the comments of some which I wanted to clarify. Some were generalyzing "masa" stations to be "bastos" and have bad taste jokes. Our station have been very responsible and careful when it comes to jokes. Most of us have been in the business for 10 years or more and we have names to protect. "Masa" stations cater to people from 16 years old up which takes the largest slice of the pie. "Masa" is from the "D" class up to "B" and some "A". So, to those who think that our kind of programming only caters to the "stupids" think again...thanks for the time guys!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


KAMUSTASA!!! It's been a long time since I posted something on my blog. It's been a very hectic week, you know. Anyway, here are a few pics on what i've been doing. I hosted a concert series for our company then directed a music video for the WORKSHOP BAND who just released their album under AXL RECORDS. (congratulations guys!!!) The other pic is RAINIER CASTILLO, an actor from GMA 7. Hmmm...I'll be posting some more videos probably by next week so just keep on visiting this blog guys!!! By the way, we have new friends from japan, singapore, etc. Thanks for your support!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

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